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Feijão verde assado com cebola roxa e nozes
Assar transforma o amido em açúcar nestes deliciosos feijões verdes revestidos com uma mistura de vinagre e mel.Mmm ... mmmmm! Adaptado da revista Cook's Illustrated.
Combine vinagre balsâmico, mel, tomilho e alho em uma tigela pequena e reserve.
Adjust your oven rack to the middle postiion; heat oven to 450*F.Line a baking sheet with foil; spread beans on the baking sheet along with the onion wedges.Drizzle with oil.Using your hands, toss to coat evenly.Sprinkle with 0.5 teaspoons salt, toss to coat, and distribute in an even layer.Roast 10 minutes.Remove baking sheet from oven.Using tongs, coat beans and onion evenly with vinegar/honey mixture; redistribute in an even layer.Continue roasting until onions and beans are dark golden brown in spots and beans have started to shrivel, 10 to 12 minutes longer.Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper and toss well to combine.Transfer to a serving dish, sprinkle with A cup with a capacity of 80 ml containing toasted and chopped walnuts.Serve and enjoy!
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